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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thatcher Volunteers at Operation Exodus

Earlier today, 3 representatives from the House of Thatcher volunteered at Operation Exodus. Aimee Pham mentored 3rd grade girls, Mandy Patterson worked with K-1, and Becca Peterson helped with 5th graders. This semester, Operation Exodus has a superhero theme, and today we learned about the character trait of service. We studied the story of Jesus washing his disciples' feet and served the neighborhood by picking up trash. In the K-1 group, we made Thanksgiving cupcakes and went around the room saying what we were thankful for. The 3rd graders had a Thanksgiving meal. We all joined together in a time of praise and worship music. Thatcher President Becca Peterson enjoyed seeing all the kids interact with one another. She says, "It was amazing to see how the kids would latch on to you just minutes after they met you. It just shows how much they need love and stability. They are at an age where we can still be a really positive influence in their lives. They will steal your heart immediately." Thatcher hopes to continue working with them and building relationships with the wonderful staff and children.

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